Our Mission
The Annenberg Innovation Lab (AnnLab) is a curious, creative and committed Think & Do Tank helping media and technology to work for humans -- not against us. Our collaborative practice is imaginative, rigorous and impact-oriented, and revolves around diverse scholars and practitioners working together to address complex problems and opportunities at the dynamic intersections of media, technology, culture and society.
We are situated within the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism.

We delve into the cracks among silos to unpack complex problems and opportunities, recognizing that essential phenomena lie there in our interconnected and interdependent world.
We develop insights through collaboration, experimentation and by incorporating diverse domains and perspectives.
We work in the open and thrive on an active dialogue with participants and stakeholders.
Our process is iterative and discontinuous, blending feedback loops and new information to guide the next phase or project.
Ideas floated
Minds met
Whiteboards filled
Plans gone awry