Anshantia Oso

Anshantia Oso wearing a brightly colored head wrap

Anshantia “Tia” Oso is a culture strategist, activist and speaker based in Los Angeles. A dynamic and experienced social justice leader, Ms. Oso has organized for over 10 years leading campaigns to mobilize thousands of advocates for various issues in the public interest including racial justice, public art and arts education, immigrant and refugee rights, prison abolition, voting rights, access and engagement, economic equity, gentrification, human rights and international solidarity. A specialist in using narrative, messaging, arts and culture to advance social justice initiatives, Ms. Oso’s past and present movement work includes:

  • Global Black solidarity and campaigns for Black migrant justice in the U.S.
  • Human Rights Delegations at the U.S. – Mexico Border, including multiracial and “Black at the Border” convenings
  • Launching Black voter engagement projects including AZ Black Voter Alliance, Wake Up! Arizona and the Black and Engaged Tour
  • Engaging in media justice campaigns including “Drop the I-Word” which successfully changed the Associated Press policy of referring to undocumented immigrants as “illegal”
  • Strategic communications and culture strategy for the 2018 Mass Bail Out of Rikers Island with RFK Human Rights
  • Creation of the internationally acclaimed “Who Owns Black Art” activation at Miami Art Basel, featured in NY Times exploring Black identity, art and cultural equity
  • Providing technical assistance and political education to Black organizers in the U.S., UK, Canada and the Netherlands
  • Co-Founding the BLD PWR initiative mobilizing leaders in pop culture for radical progressive change

Tia’s current projects include exploring culture impact strategies using food, popular culture, media and technology for Global Black Liberation. Tia Is a firm believer in the power of everyday people to enact change in their communities. Follow her work at and on social media at