CMF Convening – Fall 2022

In Fall 2022, we hosted our first major in-person convening of fellows since February 2020. The convening brought together the current (2023) cohort with fellows from previous cohorts (2019-2022) who become Senior Fellows after they complete their fellowship year. At the gathering, fellows participated in a mix of workshops and conversations highlighting the work of fellows in our community as an opportunity to both learn about the practices and ideas fellows bring to the space AND engage with each other and deepen relationships. We aimed to limit programmed time throughout the gathering to ease back into socializing due to the pandemic and to leave space for folks to connect directly. Doing our best to reduce Covid risk while having a great experience, we masked for indoor activities and served all shared meals in outdoor settings.

Video created by Natasha Nutkiewicz and William Higbie

Fresco Steez (2020 cohort)
Daniel Leon-Davis (2021 cohort)
Niki Franco (2023 cohort)